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Consultative Medicine

8:00am – 5:00pm

8:00am – 5:00pm

8:00am – 1:00pm

8:00am – 5:00pm

8:00am – 1:00pm










Consultative Medicine

Consultative medicine is an emerging specialty based on the idea that a lack of time is the main obstacle to good care for complicated patients.  We offer extensive adult medical evaluations to focus on the evaluation of complex and unexplained symptoms and potential diagnosis of rare diseases.  This service is performed in coordination with our colleagues in the local medical community and university hospitals to allow for complete and appropriate diagnostic evaluations.

If you are new to our clinic, please click here to receive the New Patient forms prior to scheduling an appointment.
We recognize that some patients have problems that just can't be fixed in the standard 15 or 30 minute visit.  Frequently patients have been seen by multiple physicians in multiple settings with extensive testing without ever achieving an adequate diagnosis or explanation of their findings. We are pleased to be able to offer on a case-by-case basis a comprehensive medical evaluation which includes:
  • Initial one hour meeting for a comprehensive history and physical examination
  • Thorough review and summation of past medical records (English and German are ok)
  • Literature review and summation
  • Recommendations for further evaluation and treatment

If you are interested in scheduling an in-depth medical evaluation, please submit your information below!


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